Monday, November 3, 2008

Getting up to speed

It is hard to believe that a few weeks ago (the week of 10/15) Sarah was diagnosed with bi-lateral Ovarian Cancer.  She is receiving wonderful care from top medical professionals in Baltimore, MD.

Sarah started chemo and is on a three week regime.  She has a fabulous attitude. She is tired and still managing the pain and side affects of chemo, she is getting stronger daily.  She is home spending as much time with Greg and 11 week old Louisa.  Louisa couldn't be a more perfect baby.

Friends and family are asking what can we do to help. The answer is simply keep thinking positive thoughts and giving Sarah time to adjust to this new battle. Time is what they need most, please be patient with the return of calls/emails/etc... We'll post opportunities to assist here and do our best to keep this updated with her progress. 

Your love and support means so much to Sarah, Greg and the Stoner/Christopher families.


hallie said...

What a great idea, thank you for starting this blog so that we can all reach out in hopes of making life a little bit easier for Sarah and her beautiful family. I am so anxious to see Sarah and to meet Louisa, not a hour passes when I don't think of them.
You are admired and adored and I hope you know jack and I are at your beck and call, to do anything large or small, a small gesture compared to the joy you have brought to our lives with your friendship. Hugs & kisses!

Whitney said...


Thank you so much for doing this. I was so happy to hear that Sarah went out to dinner tonight and had a wonderful time. That is really great news. We are all pulling for Sarah and praying for you all, every day.

You are a great sis and a huge support for Sarah, Greg and Louisa. Love to all.


Kat said...

Hi Susan,
This is great. I know so many who want to be 'in the loop', but don't want to bother Sarah, or feel like they have to call her back.
I can't wait to see you this weekend Sarah! It's been way too long. Watch out...once I get a hold of that little girl, I may never give her back! I'll keep you posted as to our plans.

hallie said...

Great idea, what a great forum to get in the know and make sure we can take care of eveything possible to help sarah and the family. I am very anxious to get out to Baltimore to see Sarah's beautiful face and to meet louisa! I am completely on call for any need they arises...
Hope your day today is off to a good start, you are on our minds and in our hearts. I am flying in to town on thursday so start making a list! I will call tomorrow to see if you have any special requests from Chicago. I don't suppose hot dogs sound appealing. Love to you, please take care.

kristi said...

Thank you, what a wonderful idea! So many of us have been looking for a way to show our support to Sarah,Greg & Stoner/Christopher families.Thank you making that possible. You are a great sister and friend!

What a beautiful babe and her smile is the best! I look forward to meeting her and visiting with you. Until then please know how much we thinking of you and are here to support you in this journey. Stay strong, as I know you will and draw strength from that beautiful family. Love to you all!

hallie said...

Hi Sarah, I'm here and I can't wait to see you! We are in at. Michael's and plan to come to Baltimore in the morning. Jack sends his love, he stayed home to take care of the kids... They are so big now. Isn't it amazing how each new day changes them, if only in a small way. I have heard louisa is the most beautiful, good baby!? I could use a baby fix :). Hope today is ok for you, wish you were here with us!