Sunday, November 23, 2008

Good News

We're just home from a great time connecting with the Christopher family in Hagerstown. Clare, Peter and Sally adore Louisa- this was obvious by their 6:30 wake up  on Saturday morning to sit googlie eyed and watch Nana feed her!  Sarah and Greg arrived mid morning to see us and the beautiful Louisa.  Mom keeps Louisa in Hagerstown during Sarah's chemo treatments.

Sarah looks fabulous. The 2nd round of chemo went okay and they were given good results to share.  The chemo is working, but it does make her pretty sick a number of days post procedure. So keep the cards and words of support coming!  Greg summarized it this build up your strength and feel okay, then you're taken out and do the cycle all over again.   

Greg and Sarah also shared the good news from pathology- we'll get those details up on the blog soon.  The bottom line is her body and the cancer are reacting well to the treatments! She continues to gather strength from rest and the love and support of so many!  Thanks for reading and posting!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Checking in Nov 18

It is great to see the comments on the took me a bit to figure out how to see them? I'm headed to Maryland this weekend and will post more information when I'm back.  I took my own little break and spent a long weekend in St. John with some amazing Denison Pi Phis.  I can't wait to help Sarah turn 40- it rocks!

In the mean time Sarah has her 2nd chemo on Thursday and is working on wigs this week. She has loved the quality time with family and friends and has been feeling good.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

FYI- we're working on music for Sarah during chemo. If you have suggestions of her favorites, some that you think would entertain, inspire, amuse Sarah please email Sarah's brother in law, Joe, at

We're also giving Sarah a silver charm bracelet- she'll receive a heart charm for every chemo treatment she gets- just a little way to send her some love. The idea came from a survivor in Granville with a great story. She received saints for each chemo....we figured the hearts were a good tie to her Valentine birthday.  So if you see good heart charms- unique and special- let me know!  Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sarah Catherine Christopher

So who is Sarah Catherine Christopher? Her nicknames have included Boo, Sweet Pea, Stoner. She is the wife of Greg, mother of Louisa (cute picture on blog), sister to Susan and Matthew, sister in law to Joe, Gary, Laura and Dawn. Aunt to some nieces and  nephews on both sides that adore her.

She is also an amazing friend and I can say that because I LOVE her friends. It has been a joy to know her friends all her life- being four years older I can say I've gotten to know many of them...the latest opportunity being the best wedding I've ever attended (is the matron of honor allowed to say that??) back in August 2007.

What else about Sarah? She was born on Valentines Day and came two months early and is a survivor. Today she was told by the guy who is making her wig that she has a calming personality. She is someone with amazing integrity, commitment and style.

So blog away. This is new for us. My hope is this blog gives us a place to stay connected to support Sarah on her journey with cancer.   

Monday, November 3, 2008

Getting up to speed

It is hard to believe that a few weeks ago (the week of 10/15) Sarah was diagnosed with bi-lateral Ovarian Cancer.  She is receiving wonderful care from top medical professionals in Baltimore, MD.

Sarah started chemo and is on a three week regime.  She has a fabulous attitude. She is tired and still managing the pain and side affects of chemo, she is getting stronger daily.  She is home spending as much time with Greg and 11 week old Louisa.  Louisa couldn't be a more perfect baby.

Friends and family are asking what can we do to help. The answer is simply keep thinking positive thoughts and giving Sarah time to adjust to this new battle. Time is what they need most, please be patient with the return of calls/emails/etc... We'll post opportunities to assist here and do our best to keep this updated with her progress. 

Your love and support means so much to Sarah, Greg and the Stoner/Christopher families.